
Cleaning photovoltaic plants made easy

Solar-powered electricity is a major trend. To ensure that a photovoltaic system reaches the ripe age of 40, it is important to clean it regularly. In fact, up to 30 percent of electricity losses can be attributed to contamination alone. In order to meet the requirements of expensive solar…

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The 16 most common mistakes in pure water cleaning

Nothing is more unsatisfactory than realising after cleaning the window that all the effort was in vain because streaks, stripes and stains on the pane spoil the final result. In most cases, this visible residue indicates an incorrect approach: if you prepare the cleaning with pure water correctly…

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Cleaning conservatories properly

The conservatory is a special place of well-being for many people, as nature can be viewed and enjoyed from there while being protected from the weather by glass windows. However, the large glass surfaces become a real challenge as soon as they need to be cleaned. High windows, angled corners and…

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Clean sustainably with pure water

Pure water filters are the quick, easy and cost-effective way to return the shine to buildings and glass surfaces.

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