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HydroPower Ultra Resin Packs

Article No.

Over 30% more pure water per resin filling 

  • For Hydro Power Ultra Filter L, LC
  • Every Ultra resin pack contains a pre-portioned amount of UNGER premium ion-exchange resin
  • New formula, perfected for glass cleaning
  • The FloWater technology 2.0 in every Ultra resin pack ensures and efficient flow of water through the whole tank which optimises the resin saturation
  • Kit with 3 Ultra Resin Packs for DIUH2, DIUH3, DIUK2, DIUK3, DIUKS, DIUKF
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HydroPower Ultra Resin Packs: The new standard for glass cleaning with pure water

As a cleaning specialist, you appreciate the advantages of pure water cleaning. Pure water has outstanding cleaning power and makes the use of chemicals unnecessary. Furthermore, there is no need to use a squeegee or polish the glass, because the pane dries without leaving any streaks. The result: Cleaning specialists using the UNGER pure water system can clean on average twice as fast as a colleague using a traditional cleaning method.

During deionisation, tap water runs through a pure water filter with ion exchange resin which removes all the minerals and residues from the water. Deionisation works completely without electricity and produces 100% pure water. The deionisation method is perfect for getting started in pure water cleaning, as it is inexpensive to purchase. It is also suitable for use with soft to medium-hard water.

With the UNGER HydroPower Ultra, cleaning specialists can also clean larger surfaces effortlessly. As soon as the Ultra Resin Packs are saturated, the HydroPower Ultra pure water filter can be refilled with the three Ultra Resin Packs from this kit. The pre-portioned UNGER premium ion exchange resin produces pure water quickly and easily. UNGER developed this kit for cleaning specialists who already work with the HydroPower Ultra Filter L or HydroPower Ultra Filter LC. A great advantage of the HydroPower Ultra Resin Pack is that it produces more pure water per filling, because each Ultra Resin Pack contains a pre-portioned amount of UNGER Premium ion exchange resin with a formulation that has been perfected for glass cleaning. In addition, the FloWater technology creates efficient water flow through the entire pure water filter, ensuring that the resin is completely used up. This means that cleaning specialists have to change the filter less often – which saves valuable time and money. The intuitive colour coding system and the KeyLock function also make it easier to use and ensure that the resin pack fits perfectly.

Can be practically combined with the UNGER HydroPower Ultra Filters L and LC

The Ultra Resin Packs can be used in the UNGER HydroPower Ultra DI Filter L and the 

UNGER HydroPower Ultra Filter LC . Depending on the hardness of the water, you can use theHydroPower Ultra Resin to produce up to 2,450 litres of pure water, which corresponds to a range of approx. 2,000 m2.

Start using our cleaning system for pure water glass and window cleaning!

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